Humanitarian Situation in Sudan – 9 October 2023

Humanitarian Situation – 9 October2023 PDF

Sudan Human Rights Network (SHRN) deplores the bombing of the city of El Obeid in Northern Kordofan, a dangerous indicator of the expansion and spread of the war between the army and The Rapid Support Forces (RSF). The RSF attacked the city after blockading it from 3 directions for 6 months.

The attack was carried out in 3 neighborhoods and a shelter center resulting in a number of deaths and injuries. The wounded were transferred to El Obeid hospitals. According to medical sources, blood donors could not be received in the absence of virus screening tapes.

SHRN has made numerous calls to international rights organizations to work towards a ceasefire and to protect civilians and residential neighborhoods from bombardment. SHRN also deplores the continued violation of international humanitarian law and the Geneva Treaty for the Protection of Civilians by conflicting parties. Citizens live in difficult humanitarian situations with the interruption of the power grid and means of communication.

In Omdurman, the Al-Nau hospital in the Al-Thawra neighborhood was bombed by the RSF and 3 artilleries fell into the hospital entrance, killing 10 civilians and some serious injuries evacuated to Shendi, north of Khartoum. The Nau Hospital was one of the health facilities that continued to remain open in Omdurman and receives sick and injured people. It was the only hospital in the north of Omdurman where most of the injured were transported. According to medical sources, 70% of hospitals in the Sudan became out of service after being bombed or occupied by fighters.

The Deliberate attacks against hospitals and health centers constitute a crime against humanity and are contrary to international human rights law, as referred to, in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of Citizens.

SHRN calls on the international community to provide health care and medicine to those in need of it in Sudan and to put high pressure to immediately halt the war.

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