Is Rapid Support Forces above the law?

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Published on: April 8, 2020
Is Rapid Support Forces above the law? April 8, 2020 – PDF

The Honourable Nasreldin Abdulbari, Minister of Justice, Sudan, responsible for enforcing the laws of the Republic of Sudan.

A group of Rapid Support Forces (RSF) arrested prominent leaders of the Mahamid tribe, including activist Musa Omar Hilal, nephew of Musa Hilal, for their participation in the Mahamid Peaceful Coexistence Conference that was held on March 11, 2020 in the Mhustreiha area, North Darfur state.

Mr. Hilal was deported to Khartoum, where the RSF apparatus subjected him to investigation and sentenced him to three years in prison, and he is still in the RSF detention center. With this behavior, the RSF has established itself as a state parallel to the Sudanese state, with the powers of the police, prosecution, legislation, judiciary, and prisons!

Given the appalling human rights record of the Sudanese regime, particularly with regards to freedom of expression and thought, we have grave concerns for the safety of Mr. Hilal and request that strong and targeted pressure is put on the Sudanese authorities to secure his immediate release.

• Sudan Human Rights Network (SHRN) strongly condemns the unlawful arrests and trials of civilians by RSF

• SHRN is deeply concerned for the safety and well-being of Mr. Hilal and other detainees, and demands that Ministry of Justice to order the RSF to reveal the whereabouts of the detainees immediately and either to charge them in accordance with the law or immediately and unconditionally release them

• SHRN demands that the Government of Sudan, in partnership with United Nations peace operations, implement Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) for members of armed groups, including RSF.

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