Free Eng. Mohamed Hassan Alim

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Published on: December 30, 2011


Free Eng. Mohamed Hassan Alim (Sudan) – PDF

SHRN is deeply concerned by the arrest of engineer Mohammed Hassan Alim on Monday 12/25/2011 in the afternoon. Mr. Alim a fresh graduate challenged and criticized Dr. Nafie Ali Nafie, Assistant to the President and Vice President of the National Congress Party for Political Affairs, at Khartoum University for alleged corruption and nepotism.

Mr. Alim was arrested from his home in Alhaj Yousif around 2:00 PM, two weeks after his confrontation with Mr. Nafie. An armed group comprised of more than ten in plain clothes carried the arrest with no formal charges or warrant. According to a close relative Mohammed Alim was taken to undisclosed location.


It is believed that the motivation behind the arrest of Mr. Alim is his criticism of Mr. Nafie and the government of the National Congress Party (NCP). Mr. Alim encounter with Dr. Nafie was video-taped, widely circulated and well received among Sudanese people. In his speech Mr. Alim spoke about the personal corruption of Mr. Nafie and warned of the coming revolution to be led by Sudanese youth.


In the last few weeks, students’ protests erupted at Khartoum University, in which more than 70 students were arrested. Many of those arrested were freed later but reported cases of physical abuse suffered by students at the hands of security forces and riot police according to credible information received by SHRN. Sudanese Media Center (SMC) a website believed to be run by Sudanese Security apparatus, quoted the chief of police in Khartoum state, Lt-Gen Mohammed Ahmed accusing the opposition political parties of supporting unrest inside the University of Khartoum.

SHRN is deeply concerned by the continued arbitrary arrest and the apparent targeting of Mr. Alim as a result of his criticism of a Sudanese official. His arrest and whereabouts gives rise to fears that he is being subjected to ill-treatment and torture.

SHRN calls on the Government of Sudan to disclose the whereabouts of Mr. Alim, guarantee his personal safety and allow him to receive visits by his family and legal advisor.


SHRN calls for the immediate release of Mr. Alim since no valid charges have been made.

Recommended Action:        

Please send faxes either in Arabic, English or in your own language…

* Expressing concern at the arrest and continuing of detention of Mohammed Hassan Alim.

* Urging the Sudanese authorities to immediately and unconditionally release Mohammed Hassan Alim.

* Requesting assurances that he is being humanly treated, that he has immediate and regular access to his family, lawyers, and any necessary medical attention.


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