Sudan March in support of the nonviolent movement

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Published on: February 14, 2019
We are writing to invite you to take part in the “Sudan March” Rally, an initiative to bring the whole spectrum of movements for human and civil rights in support of the nonviolent movements for change in Sudan. We call on Government of Sudan to stop killing of peaceful protesters, non-use of violence against them, to stop torture, and demand the release of all political detainees.

We appeal to all human rights activists and friends of Sudan of all nationalities to mobilize for the “march of Sudan” and to attend on time at 12 noon, on Saturday 16 February 2019, in front of the Capitol building (Congress).

Legislators, activists, and representatives of families of the victims of the Sudanese security authority’s brutality will deliver rally speech. The march will then proceed to the gardens of the White House at 3:00 pm.

Thank you,

Sudan Human Rights Network
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